Details of word WITH
Definition of with
n. - See Withe.
prep. - With denotes or expresses some situation or relation of nearness, proximity, association, connection, or the like.
prep. - To denote a close or direct relation of opposition or hostility; -- equivalent to against.
prep. - To denote association in respect of situation or environment; hence, among; in the company of.
prep. - To denote a connection of friendship, support, alliance, assistance, countenance, etc.; hence, on the side of.
prep. - To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; -- sometimes equivalent to by.
prep. - To denote association in thought, as for comparison or contrast.
prep. - To denote simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.
prep. - To denote having as a possession or an appendage; as, the firmament with its stars; a bride with a large fortune.
prep. - With denotes or expresses some situation or relation of nearness, proximity, association, connection, or the like.
prep. - To denote a close or direct relation of opposition or hostility; -- equivalent to against.
prep. - To denote association in respect of situation or environment; hence, among; in the company of.
prep. - To denote a connection of friendship, support, alliance, assistance, countenance, etc.; hence, on the side of.
prep. - To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; -- sometimes equivalent to by.
prep. - To denote association in thought, as for comparison or contrast.
prep. - To denote simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.
prep. - To denote having as a possession or an appendage; as, the firmament with its stars; a bride with a large fortune.
Word "with" contains 4 letters : H I T W
airworthier airworthiest airworthiness airworthinesses airworthy anthemwise antigrowth antiwhaling antiwhite anywhither athwartship athwartships autorickshaw autorickshaws bandwidth bandwidths bantamweight bantamweights bethwacking betweenwhiles bewitch bewitched bewitcher bewitcheries bewitchers bewitchery bewitches bewitching bewitchingly bewitchment [more... only first 30 shown above]
withal withdraw withdrawable withdrawal withdrawals withdrawer withdrawers withdrawing withdrawment withdrawments withdrawn withdrawnness withdrawnnesses withdraws withdrew withe withed wither withered witheredness witherednesses witherer witherers withering witheringly witherings witherite witherites withers withershins [more... only first 30 shown above]
forthwith hamewith herewith inwith notwithstanding outwith overwithheld overwithhold overwithholding overwithholds swith swithe swither swithered swithering swithers swithly therewith therewithal therewithin unwithdrawing unwithered unwithering unwithheld unwithholden unwithholding unwithstood wherewith wherewithal wherewithals [more... only first 30 shown above]
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Words containing with
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Words containing i
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4 letter words ending with h
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4 letter words starting with wi
Words starting with wi having minimum 4 letters
4 letter words containing i
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