Details of word MANDATE
Definition of mandate
n. - An official or authoritative command; an order or injunction; a commission; a judicial precept.
n. - A rescript of the pope, commanding an ordinary collator to put the person therein named in possession of the first vacant benefice in his collation.
n. - A contract by which one employs another to manage any business for him. By the Roman law, it must have been gratuitous.
n. - A rescript of the pope, commanding an ordinary collator to put the person therein named in possession of the first vacant benefice in his collation.
n. - A contract by which one employs another to manage any business for him. By the Roman law, it must have been gratuitous.
Word "mandate" contains 7 letters : A A D E M N T
aa ad adman admen adnate ae am ama amate amated amen amend ament amenta an ana anadem and ane ant anta antae ante anted at ate atma atman da dae [more... only first 30 shown above]
abandonment abandonments abominated accidentalism accidentalisms accommodativeness accommodativenesses acuminated adamantean adamantine additament additaments adenocarcinomata adenocarcinomatous adenomata adenomatoid adenomatous adiathermancies adiathermancy adiathermanous adjustmental admeasurement admeasurements adminiculate adminiculated adminiculates administrable administrate administrated administrates [more... only first 30 shown above]
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The words in bold in above lists are commonly used english words.
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Parent words for the word mandate
Words starting with letter m
Words ending with letter e
Words starting with ma
Words ending with te
Words containing nd
Words that starts with man
Words that ends with ate
7 letter words starting with m
Words starting with m, having minimum 7 letters
Words starts with m, having maximum 7 letters
Words starting with m of all word length but not 7 letters
7 letter words ending with e
Words ends with e, having minimum 7 letters
Words ending with e, having maximum 7 letters
Words starting with e of all word length but not 7 letters
7 letter words starting with ma
Words starting with ma having minimum 7 letters
7 letter words ending with ate
Words ending with ate having maximum 7 letters
7 letter words containing nd
Words containing nd, having minimum 7 letters
Words that contains nd, having maximum 7 letters
Words containing nd of all word length but not 7 letters
Words ending with mandate
Words containing mandate
Hook words for mandate
Anagram for the word mandate
Sub-words or words within the word mandate
Parent words for the word mandate
Words starting with letter m
Words ending with letter e
Words starting with ma
Words ending with te
Words containing nd
Words that starts with man
Words that ends with ate
7 letter words starting with m
Words starting with m, having minimum 7 letters
Words starts with m, having maximum 7 letters
Words starting with m of all word length but not 7 letters
7 letter words ending with e
Words ends with e, having minimum 7 letters
Words ending with e, having maximum 7 letters
Words starting with e of all word length but not 7 letters
7 letter words starting with ma
Words starting with ma having minimum 7 letters
7 letter words ending with ate
Words ending with ate having maximum 7 letters
7 letter words containing nd
Words containing nd, having minimum 7 letters
Words that contains nd, having maximum 7 letters
Words containing nd of all word length but not 7 letters
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