Details of word GERM
Definition of germ
n. - That which is to develop a new individual; as, the germ of a fetus, of a plant or flower, and the like; the earliest form under which an organism appears.
n. - That from which anything springs; origin; first principle; as, the germ of civil liberty.
v. i. - To germinate.
n. - The germ cells, collectively, as distinguished from the somatic cells, or soma. Germ is often used in place of germinal to form phrases; as, germ area, germ disc, germ membrane, germ nucleus, germ sac, etc.
n. - That from which anything springs; origin; first principle; as, the germ of civil liberty.
v. i. - To germinate.
n. - The germ cells, collectively, as distinguished from the somatic cells, or soma. Germ is often used in place of germinal to form phrases; as, germ area, germ disc, germ membrane, germ nucleus, germ sac, etc.
Word "germ" contains 4 letters : E G M R
abridgement abridgements abridgment abridgments acromegalic acromegalics acromegalies acromegaly admeasuring administering aerogram aerogramme aerogrammes aerograms aeromagnetic aeromagnetically aeromagnetics aerometeorograph aerometeorographs affreightment affreightments affrightment affrightments aftergame aftergames afterimage afterimages agamospermies agamospermy ageratum [more... only first 30 shown above]
germain germaine germaines germains german germander germanders germane germanely germaneness germanenesses germanic germanium germaniums germanization germanizations germanize germanized germanizes germanizing germans germed germen germens germfree germicidal germicide germicides germier germiest [more... only first 30 shown above]
boogerman boogermen degerm degermed degerming degerms doggerman doggermen endangerment endangerments fingermark fingermarks germain germaine germaines germains german germander germanders germane germanely germaneness germanenesses germanic germanium germaniums germanization germanizations germanize germanized [more... only first 30 shown above]
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4 letter words starting with ge
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4 letter words containing e
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Words containing germ
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Words containing e
4 letter words starting with g
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4 letter words ending with m
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4 letter words starting with ge
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