Details of word GENU
Definition of genu
n. - The knee.
n. - The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.
n. - The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.
Word "genu" contains 4 letters : E G N U
aboveground accentuating accoutering acquiescing acquiescingly acrogenous acrogenously adjudgement adjudgements adjudgment adjudgments admeasuring adulterating adulterising adulterizing advantageous advantageously advantageousness advantageousnesses adventuring aemuling aeruginous afterburning agammaglobulinemia agammaglobulinemias agammaglobulinemic agapanthuses agendum agendums agglutinabilities [more... only first 30 shown above]
chargenurse chargenurses disingenuities disingenuity disingenuous disingenuously disingenuousness disingenuousnesses genua genual genuflect genuflected genuflecting genuflection genuflections genuflects genuflexion genuflexions genuine genuinely genuineness genuinenesses genus genuses ingenu ingenue ingenues ingenuities ingenuity ingenuous [more... only first 30 shown above]
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Related word lists for genu
Words starting with genu
Words ending with genu
Words containing genu
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Sub-words or words within the word genu
Parent words for the word genu
Words starting with letter g
Words ending with letter u
Words starting with ge
Words ending with nu
Words containing e
4 letter words starting with g
Words starting with g, having minimum 4 letters
Words starts with g, having maximum 4 letters
Words starting with g of all word length but not 4 letters
4 letter words ending with u
Words ends with u, having minimum 4 letters
Words ending with u, having maximum 4 letters
Words starting with u of all word length but not 4 letters
4 letter words starting with ge
Words starting with ge having minimum 4 letters
4 letter words containing e
Words containing e, having minimum 4 letters
Words that contains e, having maximum 4 letters
Words containing e of all word length but not 4 letters
Words ending with genu
Words containing genu
Hook words for genu
Anagram for the word genu
Sub-words or words within the word genu
Parent words for the word genu
Words starting with letter g
Words ending with letter u
Words starting with ge
Words ending with nu
Words containing e
4 letter words starting with g
Words starting with g, having minimum 4 letters
Words starts with g, having maximum 4 letters
Words starting with g of all word length but not 4 letters
4 letter words ending with u
Words ends with u, having minimum 4 letters
Words ending with u, having maximum 4 letters
Words starting with u of all word length but not 4 letters
4 letter words starting with ge
Words starting with ge having minimum 4 letters
4 letter words containing e
Words containing e, having minimum 4 letters
Words that contains e, having maximum 4 letters
Words containing e of all word length but not 4 letters
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