Details of word BY
Definition of by
pref. - In the neighborhood of; near or next to; not far from; close to; along with; as, come and sit by me.
pref. - On; along; in traversing. Compare 5.
pref. - Near to, while passing; hence, from one to the other side of; past; as, to go by a church.
pref. - Used in specifying adjacent dimensions; as, a cabin twenty feet by forty.
pref. - Against.
pref. - With, as means, way, process, etc.; through means of; with aid of; through; through the act or agency of; as, a city is destroyed by fire; profit is made by commerce; to take by force.
adv. - Near; in the neighborhood; present; as, there was no person by at the time.
adv. - Passing near; going past; past; beyond; as, the procession has gone by; a bird flew by.
adv. - Aside; as, to lay by; to put by.
a. - Out of the common path; aside; -- used in composition, giving the meaning of something aside, secondary, or incidental, or collateral matter, a thing private or avoiding notice; as, by-line, by-place, by-play, by-street. It was formerly more freely used in composition than it is now; as, by-business, by-concernment, by-design, by-interest, etc.
pref. - On; along; in traversing. Compare 5.
pref. - Near to, while passing; hence, from one to the other side of; past; as, to go by a church.
pref. - Used in specifying adjacent dimensions; as, a cabin twenty feet by forty.
pref. - Against.
pref. - With, as means, way, process, etc.; through means of; with aid of; through; through the act or agency of; as, a city is destroyed by fire; profit is made by commerce; to take by force.
adv. - Near; in the neighborhood; present; as, there was no person by at the time.
adv. - Passing near; going past; past; beyond; as, the procession has gone by; a bird flew by.
adv. - Aside; as, to lay by; to put by.
a. - Out of the common path; aside; -- used in composition, giving the meaning of something aside, secondary, or incidental, or collateral matter, a thing private or avoiding notice; as, by-line, by-place, by-play, by-street. It was formerly more freely used in composition than it is now; as, by-business, by-concernment, by-design, by-interest, etc.
Word "by" contains 2 letters : B Y
abactinally abandonedly abasedly abashedly abaya abayas abbacy abbey abbeys abbotcy abbreviatory abdominally aberrancy aberrantly abeyance abeyances abeyancies abeyancy abeyant abhenry abhenrys abhorrency abhorrently abidingly ability abiogenetically abiogenically abiotically abjectly abjuratory [more... only first 30 shown above]
bycatch bycatches bycoket bycokets bye byelaw byelaws byes bygone bygones byke byked bykes byking bylander bylanders bylaw bylaws byline bylined byliner byliners bylines bylining bylive byname bynames bynempt bypass bypassed [more... only first 30 shown above]
aby autophoby baby bilby blabby blebby blowby bobby booby brumby bubby busby cabby carby chubby clubby cobby cobwebby colby comby corby crabby crumby crybaby cubby dauby debby derby dobby doby [more... only first 30 shown above]
aby abye abyeing abyes abying abys abysm abysmal abysmally abysms abyss abyssal abysses abyssopelagic autophoby baby babydoll babydolls babyfood babyfoods babyhood babyhoods babying babyish babyishly babylike babysat babysit babysits babysitter [more... only first 30 shown above]
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