Details of word BAG
Definition of bag
n. - A sack or pouch, used for holding anything; as, a bag of meal or of money.
n. - A sac, or dependent gland, in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance; as, the bag of poison in the mouth of some serpents; the bag of a cow.
n. - A sort of silken purse formerly tied about men's hair behind, by way of ornament.
n. - The quantity of game bagged.
n. - A certain quantity of a commodity, such as it is customary to carry to market in a sack; as, a bag of pepper or hops; a bag of coffee.
v. t. - To put into a bag; as, to bag hops.
v. t. - To seize, capture, or entrap; as, to bag an army; to bag game.
v. t. - To furnish or load with a bag or with a well filled bag.
v. i. - To swell or hang down like a full bag; as, the skin bags from containing morbid matter.
v. i. - To swell with arrogance.
v. i. - To become pregnant.
n. - A sac, or dependent gland, in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance; as, the bag of poison in the mouth of some serpents; the bag of a cow.
n. - A sort of silken purse formerly tied about men's hair behind, by way of ornament.
n. - The quantity of game bagged.
n. - A certain quantity of a commodity, such as it is customary to carry to market in a sack; as, a bag of pepper or hops; a bag of coffee.
v. t. - To put into a bag; as, to bag hops.
v. t. - To seize, capture, or entrap; as, to bag an army; to bag game.
v. t. - To furnish or load with a bag or with a well filled bag.
v. i. - To swell or hang down like a full bag; as, the skin bags from containing morbid matter.
v. i. - To swell with arrogance.
v. i. - To become pregnant.
Word "bag" contains 3 letters : A B G
abanding abandoning abashing abasing abating abbreviating abdicating abducing abducting abearing abegging abeigh aberrating abetting abhorring abhorrings abiding abidingly abidings abigail abigails abiogeneses abiogenesis abiogenetic abiogenetical abiogenetically abiogenic abiogenically abiogenist abiogenists [more... only first 30 shown above]
bagarre bagarres bagass bagasse bagasses bagassoses bagassosis bagatelle bagatelles bagel bagels bagful bagfuls baggage baggages bagged bagger baggers baggie baggier baggies baggiest baggily bagginess bagginesses bagging baggings baggit baggits baggy [more... only first 30 shown above]
airbag beanbag bumbag carpetbag debag dirtbag feedbag fleabag gasbag gunnybag handbag kitbag litterbag mailbag moneybag nosebag postbag punchbag ragbag ratbag rattlebag saddlebag sandbag schoolbag scumbag scuzzbag seabag sleazebag spongebag teabag [more... only first 30 shown above]
airbag airbags ambage ambages ambagious ambagitory bagarre bagarres bagass bagasse bagasses bagassoses bagassosis bagatelle bagatelles bagel bagels bagful bagfuls baggage baggages bagged bagger baggers baggie baggier baggies baggiest baggily bagginess [more... only first 30 shown above]
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