Details of word CHOCK

Definition of chock

v. t. - To stop or fasten, as with a wedge, or block; to scotch; as, to chock a wheel or cask.
v. i. - To fill up, as a cavity.
n. - A wedge, or block made to fit in any space which it is desired to fill, esp. something to steady a cask or other body, or prevent it from moving, by fitting into the space around or beneath it.
n. - A heavy casting of metal, usually fixed near the gunwale. It has two short horn-shaped arms curving inward, between which ropes or hawsers may pass for towing, mooring, etc.
adv. - Entirely; quite; as, chock home; chock aft.
v. t. - To encounter.
n. - An encounter.

Word "chock" contains 5 letters : C C H K O

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