Details of word GIN
Definition of gin
n. - Against; near by; towards; as, gin night.
conj. - If.
v. i. - To begin; -- often followed by an infinitive without to; as, gan tell. See Gan.
n. - A strong alcoholic liquor, distilled from rye and barley, and flavored with juniper berries; -- also called Hollands and Holland gin, because originally, and still very extensively, manufactured in Holland. Common gin is usually flavored with turpentine.
n. - Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare.
n. - A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc.
n. - A hoisting drum, usually vertical; a whim.
n. - A machine for separating the seeds from cotton; a cotton gin.
v. t. - To catch in a trap.
v. t. - To clear of seeds by a machine; as, to gin cotton.
conj. - If.
v. i. - To begin; -- often followed by an infinitive without to; as, gan tell. See Gan.
n. - A strong alcoholic liquor, distilled from rye and barley, and flavored with juniper berries; -- also called Hollands and Holland gin, because originally, and still very extensively, manufactured in Holland. Common gin is usually flavored with turpentine.
n. - Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare.
n. - A machine for raising or moving heavy weights, consisting of a tripod formed of poles united at the top, with a windlass, pulleys, ropes, etc.
n. - A hoisting drum, usually vertical; a whim.
n. - A machine for separating the seeds from cotton; a cotton gin.
v. t. - To catch in a trap.
v. t. - To clear of seeds by a machine; as, to gin cotton.
Word "gin" contains 3 letters : G I N
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abegging aborigin aboriginal aboriginalism aboriginalisms aboriginalities aboriginality aboriginally aboriginals aborigine aborigines aborigins abridging absterging accinging accoraging accouraging acknowledging adjudging advantaging aeruginous agin aging agings aginner aginners albugineous alegging algin alginate [more... only first 30 shown above]
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